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Monday, October 14, 2024


   My mother-in-law sold her house and the contents seven years ago and moved to a nursing home. Among other things, I bought her huge Christmas Cactus and Amaryllis plants. The Amaryllis bloomed for several years but then refused to bloom again. I kept trying for the last four years without success. Discouraged, I let the pot sit in the dark basement room for about a year and totally ignored it. 
   About two weeks ago I noticed some leaves had started to grow. They were pale and looked sickly. I brought the pot up to the sunlight and the results were amazing. The leaves turned green and grew rapidly. Within days a bud appeared and the stem shot up an inch or more per day. The bud opened and split to reveal four blossoms. Today they are opening into bright red flowers.

   There is a lesson in this story. Sometimes things seem hopeless and there's no use trying any longer. But as long as there is life, there is hope. It may take a long time, but things will happen when the time is right and there will be joy. "Let patience have her perfect work." (James 1:4)

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Faith of Our Fathers

 My newest book was released on October 4. Faith of Our Fathers was written at the request of CAM Books for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of Anabaptism on January 21, 1525. The stories of the five most prominent leaders, Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George Blaurock, Michael Sattler, and Menno Simons, are told in chronological order. 

Where was Conrad Grebel when Felix Manz was martyred? Where was Michael Sattler the night Conrad Grebel baptized George Blaurock? How many people were baptized that night? Did Menno Simons meet any of the first four men? You can find the answers to these and other questions in the book.

The book is now available in bookstores or can be ordered online from