We are a week away from the first day of spring, but this week feels like spring is here. The snowdrops and crocus are in full bloom. Geese are flying north and a few robins already showed up. This week I used the wash line for the first time this year and we also saw 70 degrees for the first time. The farmers around us are busy spraying and hauling manure. Planting season is just around the corner.
Spring is my favorite season. It is a time of revival, renewal, and promise. I am always amazed how quickly things turn green with a few days of sunshine and rain. Spring is known to throw us a few curves and dump some snow. But if that happens, we know it won't last long.
Spring is my favorite season. It is a time of revival, renewal, and promise. I am always amazed how quickly things turn green with a few days of sunshine and rain. Spring is known to throw us a few curves and dump some snow. But if that happens, we know it won't last long.
Spring is invigorating and especially so this year. We have gone through one issue after another this winter, beginning with a trip to Boston for a wedding in November. Then I had hip replacement surgery a week before Thanksgiving. That was followed by weeks of therapy to build up the strength in that leg. I had a cold that dragged on for a month and later a sinus infection that lasted three weeks. Leroy's 101 year-old mother died in January which required a funeral and disposing of her things. That was barely over when our son was in the lot for minister. The week of suspense ended with one of the other nominees being ordained. After that, things finally started to settle down into a dull roar the middle of February.
We never know what a day will bring forth, but spring gives me hope and an energy boost. The puzzles are back in the box and the crochet hook is put away. The scrub bucket and window cleaner came out this week. I am fully recovered from my hip surgery and feel better than I have for years. This week I revived my habit of a daily walk I gave up four years ago. It is such a blessing to walk a mile without pain. I'm looking forward to working outside again without an aching leg.
And finally this weekend we can make the trip to Ohio to see our newest great-grandchild who was born the end of October. God is good and I am thankful we survived another winter with only speed bumps and no traumatic life-changing events.