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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Adjusting Our Sails

   It's almost two months since Leroy retired from Shank Door on March 5. I think we're getting adjusted to this new phase of life without a struggle. It was still cold in March and not much happened. But now spring is here and this month we have been plowing through the annual spring rush when everything seems to need to be done at once. As we get to the end of the month, yard and garden work are up to date except for the rose bushes that still need trimming.
   Life is moving at a slower pace. We don't get up at 5:30 in the morning anymore. I sleep in until 6:30. We have time to do things together like grocery shopping and housework. I appreciate having someone on hand to fetch and carry for me, especially with a cranky hip that makes walking unhandy. Leroy is learning where things are kept and how to help himself a little.
   We are free to go places and do things any day of the week. Leroy has been doing some volunteer work a couple times a month. We only have one car so we have to be careful we don't both have something the same day. It hasn't caused a problem so far. 
   Living without a paycheck requires different budgeting but we're getting along fine. We have adequate resources that are meeting our needs. Our expenses are not nearly what they were when we were a household of eight. We've always been frugal so living on a limited income isn't a big adjustment. 
   This phase of life won't last forever. Quite a few of our friends passed in the last year. Sooner or later one of us will leave the other. In acknowledgment of our mortality, one of the things we did this month was to order our own gravestone. It's something we had talked of doing for a long time so neither of us has to do it alone. That's one less thing our children will have to deal with when it's time to settle an estate.
   I'm thankful we get this time to spend together for as long as it lasts. It may be a long or short chapter. Only God knows.