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Monday, March 16, 2015

Aegirocassis benmoulae

The calendar says Friday is the first day of spring and the earth is right on time. We turned the corner on winter last week in preparation for the new season. The thick layer of snow we had last Sunday disappeared rapidly during the week as temperatures soared into the 50s. There are still piles of snow around the but landscape has turned from white to brown. Flocks of robins have returned and my Snowdrops are blooming. Early in the week I found they were blooming under the snow so I scraped the wet blanket off to give them a little help. They are always such a cheerful sight because they are the very first flower to bloom. If the snowdrops are blooming, spring can't be far away.
The orderliness of nature is another reminder of God's faithfulness. He promised the seasons will always follow in their turns as long as the earth remains. And spring has never failed to follow winter.
Whether you study either end of nature, from the vast expanse of the heavens to the microscopic details on earth, the intricate perfection of how things are made and how they work together is astounding.
All of nature is proof of a Creator. Anyone who believes that such perfection and order evolved by itself is simply a fool or deceived. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe the world was created by God.
In the paper this morning I read a report on an unusual creature that was recently discovered. Here are some excerpts (I'm omitting the false parts about millions of years and evolution).
Paleontologists working in Morocco have found a fossil of a bizarre sea creature that could grow up to 7 feet in length and gathered plankton like a whale. . . The newly discovered animal, dubbed Aegirocassis benmoulae, is an early member of the arthropod family tree. . .
Despite its large size, Aegirocassis benmoulae appears to have been fairly common, Van Roy said. He and the Moroccan fossil collector Mohamed Ben Moula, who first discovered these large animals, have found dozens of preserved specimens in the Moroccan desert. Early fossils of arthropods are hard to come by, which made this particular find so exciting.
Most fossils are the remains of the hard parts of organisms, like shells and bone, because soft tissues decay so rapidly after death, explained John Paterson, an associate professor at the University of New England in Armidale, Australia, who was not involved in the study.“However, these extraordinary fossils are soft-bodied, which are typically very rare,” he said. “They require rapid burial and low oxygen conditions in order to be preserved in such exquisite detail.”
According to Van Roy, giant storms occasionally caused large mud flows to wash into the ancient sea, smothering everything at the bottom and making it inaccessible for scavengers.“If you have the right sediments and they react with the right decay products, then you can basically turn soft tissues to stone,” he said. “But a very specific set of criteria must be met, so sites like this are extremely rare.”

These highly educated but ignorant men are building their explanation of these fossils on a false assumption involving millions of years. They believe these creatures were "buried rapidly" by a "giant storm." If they would read Genesis they would know when that happened. It was not millions of years ago but Noah's flood just a few thousand years ago. Fossils are proof of the Flood, not of millions of years of evolution. How much trouble people make for themselves when they don't believe in God and have to try figure out other explanations for things in nature!
"In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth . . . All things were made by HIM and by HIM all things consist (are maintained)."

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