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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The "Real" Story

My mother always told me that my name came from Romaine Hertzog--a girl she knew and admired for her piano playing. But early Monday morning the real reason was revealed to me in a dream.
I thought I was talking to someone who also has an uncommon name. He asked me what I tell people when they ask where I got my name. I said I tell them, "My mother gave it to me." (No kidding. Somebody once actually asked me where I got my name and that's what I told her.) But then the story drifted into fantasy mode. I went on to tell the guy what really happened was that my mother found me under a cabbage leaf in the garden, thought it was lettuce, and named me Romaine. So that's the "real" story of how I got my name. :-)


Meredith said...

I always thought she found you in the broom closet in the corner of the dining room at the house on Meadow Valley Road in Ephrata. Now I know the real truth.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Romaine,
Well indeed, it's a small world after all! You mention Romaine Herzog, a friend of your mother's. She was my 1st and 2nd grade teacher at Bergstrasse Elementary School in the years 1946 & 47! She was still single at that time and lived with her parents on the Herzog farm on N. State St., Ephrata near the Green Dragon. I believe her full name was Mary Romaine Herzog, and she is the only teacher who is still living from my school days at Bergstrasse. She has many stories of Mr. John Mink, my maternal grandfather who was principal at Bergstrasse. I shall never forget "Miss Herzog" in those "salad days" of my youth!

Now, we need to ask her how she got the name "Romaine", as it seems she started this very pleasant tradition.

Gary Good