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Monday, July 7, 2008

Look Who's Forty!

Our Fourth of July weekend was full and fun. On Saturday we attended the wedding of a nephew who finally took the plunge at the age of 35. Cheryl and Richard were invited to the wedding so their family was here from Friday evening until this morning.
Sunday evening we all helped surprise Daryl with a 40th birthday party. His birthday is actually on July 21, so he was totally unsuspecting and we got him over him good and proper.
I can't believe my children are turning (or pushing) forty. It doesn't seem long at all since I reached the same milestone, but it's twenty years ago. How can twenty years go by so quickly? The most scary part is that another twenty years will make me 80. Horrors!
Let's think about the positive! Daryl has made a success of his life and we congratulate him for that as well as that big 4-0 coming up in two weeks. But fasten your seat belt, Daryl! The next twenty years will go faster than the first forty did. I know. I've been there.

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