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Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

Look what Leroy gave me for my birthday this morning! This china teapot by Noritake is the Romaine pattern. Only one other time have I seen something with my name on it. That was a little sign in Israel, "Citerne Romaine" (Roman Cistern). Wasn't he thoughtful to give me something with my name on it?!
Confession time! I bought it myself on E-bay. I was watching this thing for weeks. It was listed three times and the price kept going down. On the third listing I thought the price was quite reasonable so I bid and there was no competition. I got it for the opening bid.
It came by FedEx last week. I opened the box and checked to be sure it had not been damaged in shipping. Then I put it in a plain brown paper bag and set it in the corner of the dry sink. I was waiting for Leroy to ask me what the bag was about but he never did.
This morning I asked him if he had noticed the bag. He said he had but figured it was a gift I was going to give somebody.
He was surprised when I said, "It's for you."
"For me?"
"For you to give to me for my birthday."
He smelled the rat but cooperated nicely and handed me the bag. I opened it and showed him what he had bought me for my birthday. He was the only one who was surprised. Well, I made the shopping easy for him, didn't I?
Birthdays are handy excuses for indulging ourselves with extras we don't really need. I guess it's good I don't have more than one per year or I'd do this too often. And besides, the numbers go up fast enough as it is. I guess we can call this a consolation prize for making 62 trips around the sun and crossing the line into the official retirement age.


Twila said...

Happy Birthday Romaine! Hope you have a blessed year!! :)

Miller scribe said...

You taught me well. I bought myself part of my Christmas gift today. :)

Miller scribe said...

You must not shop in the produce section- there is Romaine lettuce!

Meredith said...

What a funny trick!~Edith

Anonymous said...

Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag Helen Romaine!! Ach ja, du hast ein wunderschoenes Name.

Now as you know, we genealogists must be precise!? So, how is your first and middle names officially listed?

Gary Good

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday! :)