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Friday, April 26, 2013

Hope Revived

Two or three years ago the small bridge about a mile from our house was deemed unsafe and closed. That meant our shortest route to the main road was cut off and we had to drive the long way around to get there. Last fall an article in our local newspaper reported that the bridge was at the top of the fix-it list. The rest of the fall and entire winter passed but nothing happened. I had just about decided they either changed their minds or forgot us. There was another bridge not far from here that was closed for eleven (11) years before it was finally replaced. That didn't do anything to increase my faith.
Then this week the neighbor reported that they are working on it. I went down this morning to witness and record the historic moment. Hope has revived! In a few weeks we should be able to cross this little creek again on a sturdy bridge like we did for more than forty years before.


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