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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nusiance, Not Handicap

Summer is rushing by much too fast. The daylight hours are noticeably shorter than they were a month ago. I saw some goldenrod in bloom and the garden is fast going from full to empty. I cleaned off two rows of corn today which leaves only two more rows of corn, tomatoes, and onions in residence. I have not done much canning and freezing this year because I have so much left over from other years. We need to use up the old stuff and maybe next year we can start fresh again.
This summer has been not been as busy as most of the previous ones, and not only because I don't need to put up much food for the winter. I have not been idle, but since my leg went lame on me in May I have been finding things I can do while sitting. That included quilting (in the summer!) of all things. But I enjoyed it and was glad for the work. I had to give up going on the book route and taking my daily two-mile walks. I haven't been doing much cemetery prowling either.
It bugs me to have this lovely weather and not be able to go out and get some exercise. But on the other hand, I still have a lot to be thankful for. A lame leg is a nuisance but it is not a real handicap. Now if my eyes and fingers didn't work anymore, THAT would be a real handicap. I won't be bored as long as my eyes and fingers work. And my mind! I certainly wouldn't want to lose that. If I did, I'd
create big problems for the people who have to live with me.
I'm thankful there has been some improvement in my leg the last two weeks. I've been able to set the cane aside most of the time and hope the improvement continues. The MRI showed the problem is a pinched nerve. I don't have cancer or need a hip replacement. Even if the whole summer passes while I mess around with this contrary leg, it could be a whole lot worse.
"We may not be able to direct the wind but we can adjust our sails.

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