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Monday, April 27, 2015

Trust and Obey

The theme of our Weekend Meetings was Trust and Obey. The message Saturday evening was on Trust and we wound up Sunday evening with Obey. All the messages were good but I especially needed the reminder just now to trust God. Some things in life are very uncertain and we are living day by day, adjusting plans according to the need. We can't see how everything is going to work out but God is in control.
One of the reminders we heard was that "God knows the future better than we know the past." As a historian and genealogist who spends a lot of time trying to figure out how things really were in the past, I see a lot of truth in that fact. We don't need to see into the future to trust God to work out all the details.
We can trust God because of who He is: Self-existent, Holy, Infinite, Immortal, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Immunitable, and more. We can lean hard on Him and know He will not let us down. I'm glad I have a solid Rock under me that takes the worry out of the present and gives me hope for the future. And when I come to the end of life He will escort me into the next. I am never alone, now or ever.