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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Speed Bump

Leroy has worked at Shank Door for 43 years. He could have retired a couple years ago but kept stretching it out "just a little longer." He had a project he was working on and said when that's done he's going to take some time off this spring to work on cleaning out his garage.
About the time the project was finished, he took time off but not the way he planned. He came home early on April 27 with severe pain that went the whole way down his leg and could hardly walk. He usually drags his feet about going to the doctor but he went the next day without protest. Pain is a great convincer! The doctor sent him for x-rays and gave him referral for physical therapy. The cause of the pain is in his spine which is pinching a nerve. He has been off work since April 27 but unable to do anything. He spent both days and nights on the couch with the heating pad.
After sitting doing nothing for a week, he was getting discouraged. I told him this is neither permanent or terminal but merely a speed bump. Of course, we got all kinds of conflicting advice about what he should do. In the end we decided to follow what the doctor recommended and it seems to have been the right thing.
Over the weekend we finally started seeing some improvement. He is still going for therapy twice a week and is unable to work but he can walk better and further than from the couch to the bathroom. As you can see, he is taking his therapy seriously and working very hard at it. (That white paper lying beside him is his list of prescribed exercises.)
He's on the road to recovery and I'm sure he'll be back to normal in a couple more weeks. Oh the joys of aging!


A Candle to Read By said...

Sorry about this speed bump--I understand. On one of the weeks off from school this semester, I hit one of those in the form of some form of flu. I had a list of so many things that I wanted to get done--it was almost as if I had them already done so sure I was of myself! ha!
I wonder if the Lord slows us down from time to time for our own good. I hope he is feeling better soon.

Scribbler said...

Thank you. He is slowly improving and better than a week ago.