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Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Over the time of our fall communion the beginning of this month I was amazed anew as I contemplated the magnitude of forgiveness. We who were raised in Christian homes were taught from childhood that if we confess our sins God will forgive us. You know the old saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt." It's not that we scorn God's forgiveness but that we take it for granted and don't recognize the true value of forgiveness.
All other religions require man to perform certain rituals or works to gain favor with their god and  have a better afterlife whether in another world or in the next (imagined) life on earth. Their god must be appeased to achieve a higher state of existence but forgiveness is not part of the plan. It is a works religion where the better afterlife is a reward for doing certain things.
Christianity is the only religion where God reaches out to man in love and draws him to Himself. In the Old Testament there was atonement for sin by sacrificing animals. But the blood of animals "could not take away" or forgive sins. The possibility of forgiveness only became reality when God sacrificed His only Son by a horrible death on a cross. His perfect blood was the medium required to make forgiveness possible. Forgiveness is not obtained by our own works but by the work of God Himself. It is a gift He offers to anyone who will accept it. 
Forgiveness removes the burden of guilt and shame that is the result of sin. Imagine how life would be if there was no forgiveness and we had to carry that burden all our lives only hoping things would somehow be better in the afterlife. Forgiveness frees us from the burden of sin and gives us peace with God in this life here and now. It gives us the power to forgive those who wrong us and frees us from carrying the burden of anger, bitterness, and revenge.
The more we realize the immeasurable value of forgiveness, the more we will want to show our gratitude by living in obedience to God's Word. This is not to gain "brownie points" but responding to God in love and praise.

I want my life to tell for Jesus!
I want my life to tell for Jesus,
That everywhere I go,
Men may His goodness know,
I want my life to tell for Jesus!

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