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Wednesday, March 18, 2020


   During the past week my calendar suddenly emptied as things were canceled due to the Coronavirus that began in China and is encircling the globe. Federal and state governments keep tightening the restrictions on public gatherings in an effort to curb the spread of the virus. The restrictions vary with the states but limit the group size. In some states it is limited to 100 people but Pennsylvania set the limit at 250. All schools in the state are closed for two weeks as well as nonessential businesses, restaurants and bars. 
   The idea that they would have to stay home for two weeks sent people into panic that created mass hysteria. They flocked to stores and stockpiled supplies in ridiculous amounts. Face masks, hand sanitizer, bottled water, toilet paper, milk and other things were sold out. Fear sent the stock market on a dramatic nose dive. 
   No cases of the virus have been found in our county or the counties surrounding us, but we remain under the restrictions. Children have a two-week spring break and some people are out of work which means no pay check.
  The closures may check the spread of the virus, but the whole thing has been blown out of proportion fed by the news media. There have been other viruses which were more deadly than this one, particularly the Spanish Influenza of 1918 which infected one-third of the world's population and caused 675,000 deaths in the United States. Coronavirus symptoms are mild in comparison and the majority of those infected will survive. Those whose lives are at risk with Coronavirus are the elderly or people with respiratory difficulties.
   Our lives have not been disrupted except for some activities being canceled. We know God is in control and are not panicking. We can live a long time on the canned and frozen food we have in the basement. There is no need to stockpile things from the store. When God provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness, He warned them not to gather more than they needed or it would spoil. Those who ignored the warning found that is exactly what happened to the surplus. The hysteria we are seeing is the result of fear and lack of trust in God.
   "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" 2 Timothy 1:7.

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