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Friday, April 3, 2020


I am amazed how quickly and drastically our lives have changed by something so tiny it can't be seen. Leroy was only working three days per week this year but he has been laid off until things turn around. We are finding out what retirement is like, however, with more restrictions than there would be under normal conditions. We have not gone anywhere for several weeks except for short runs to pick up a prescription or get parts to fix a leaking toilet. Our children get our groceries and visit on the phone. We are attend church services by live stream and are thankful for that option which would not have been available a few years ago.
I do miss not being able to worship in person, but on the whole I am not frustrated by the stay-at-home order. I'm not an extrovert who has to be surrounded by people or party to be happy. I'm perfectly happy with my quiet life, my books, email and Facebook friends.
The devotional I read this morning described the difference between loneliness and solitude. Loneliness is not always the result of being alone. A person can feel lonely in a crowd if they don't fit in with the others. Loneliness can result from rejection or separation, either by broken relationships or death. Loneliness brings pain and sorrow.
Solitude is time spent alone and is often deliberately planned. It can be time spent with God, going for a walk, or some other activity done without companionship. It is a time of renewal and refreshment. Solitude brings joy rather than pain.
In the situation that has been forced upon us by the virus, we can either chaff at the restrictions and suffer pain and sorrow or we can turn it into joy by choosing to make it a time of renewal and refreshment. With the pressures of busy schedules removed, we have time to meditate, read books, go for walks, and enjoy more family time. That is a blessing, not a hardship. 
Choose joy!

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