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Monday, November 16, 2020

The Spoiled King

There was once a great king who was very wealthy. He was the most powerful man in the land and was always able to buy anything his heart desired.
One day the king saw a lovely vineyard and decided to buy it. But the owner refused to sell at any price. The king had never in his life been in a situation where he could not buy what he wanted. He stormed and pouted like a spoiled child. He lay on his bed and refused to eat.
Determined to get what he wanted, the king began plotting to unlawfully seize the vineyard. When he managed to do it, God passed judgment upon him. This story is in 1 Kings 21 but you can read the modern version in today's newspaper.

If you want your children to grow up to be men and women of integrity, don't give them everything they want. Make them work for it or learn to do without. And when they lose at playing a game, teach them that being a good sport and gracious loser is more important than winning. If they don't learn these things when they are young they will make fools of themselves when they are adults.

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