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Thursday, September 16, 2021


     I hear people saying, "Where did the summer go?" and wonder the same thing. With most of our usual summer activities held on schedule this year, the summer zipped by. We have only five more days until fall officially begins. But already the markets are filled with mums, pumpkins, and other things that silently shout fall is about to pounce on us.
  It's human nature to resist change. Though we might enjoy each season and appreciate a change once it's taken place, there's an undercurrent of anxiety that comes with the build up to the actual change. And though we've let go of the summer in a lot of ways by now, we can't help but hesitate to embrace the new season because we know what fall is leading up to.
   As the equinox creeps closer, the changes are barely noticeable and easy to ignore. It is easier to embrace the beginnings of fall while it is still summer, because we can safely enjoy fall without having to say goodbye to summer.  And then one day we look up and see fall is no longer approaching, it is here. We will flip the calendar to October and resign ourselves to the fact that the summer is over and gone. The change has come and we settle back to enjoy it.

The Many Different Seasons

There are many different seasons
In life that we go through,
Times of God's blessing and peace
And times of hardship too.

No matter what the season, 
We find that we are in, 
God is there to lead us on
And give us hope within.

And when the seasons of hardships
Have come into our lives,
We can be encouraged by God
For our hope is placed in Christ.

For we know it's only temporary
And will change as seasons do,
Though it feels like an eternity
And we wonder if we'll get through.

But God's rivers of mercy
Flow down from heaven above
To bring to us refreshment
And to touch us with His love.

So thank the Lord for the seasons,
As different as they are,
And for the growth that comes from it,
Bringing change within our hearts.
By M. S. Lowndes

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