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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Observations on Ukraine

 I'm not a political analyst, but I have made some observations as the war in Ukraine grinds on.

1. The suffering and destruction of war which is caused by selfishness and greed is catastrophic. I cannot understand how people can deliberately kill their neighbors and inflict such cruelty on innocent civilians.

2. Ukraine is the underdog in this war but their unity is amazing as they fight Goliath.

3.  In addition to leaders of 141 nations supporting Ukraine and condemning Russia, one company after another is cutting ties to Russia and refusing to do business with them. I have never seen global unity on any issue on such a scale.

4. The way the countries surrounding Ukraine are receiving millions of refugees is astounding. In other crisis situations, refugees were housed in camps until they could find places to go. This time there are no refugee camps because people are taking the refugees into their homes and finding places for them to stay.

5. While some Americans who were serving in missions in Ukraine returned home, others chose to stay and help those in need as they flee. Their courage is commendable.

6. We don't know what the outcome of this war will be or whether it will explode into World War III. If it does, it will reach our shores and be unlike any war the world has ever seen. Will this be the fulfillment of the prophecy of the fall of Babylon described in Revelation 18? 

7. One thing I do know is that God is in control and He is able to bring good out of evil. He is already doing that in many ways. My heart goes out to all those affected by this war and I pray it will end soon.

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