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Friday, July 5, 2024

Sneak Preview

   Last summer I was asked to write something for the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism on January 21, 2025. The book committee said they wanted something small and easy to read. I wasn't sure I could do it but after some thought and prayer decided to try. It turned out to be not as hard as I thought it would be. I told the story of the birth of Anabaptism by telling the stories of the five most prominent leaders in chronological order. It shows how the lives of Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George Blaurock, and Michael Sattler were intertwined in Switzerland and Germany. 
     Menno Simons was converted ten years later in the Netherlands after the four in Switzerland had died. The Mennonite church bears his name for he was the leader who united the scattered brethren and guided them safely through the turbulent early years of Anabaptism. His cautious, thoughtful understanding of Biblical principles led to the development of a reputable church that adhered to the founding principles laid down by the Swiss founders.
    My manuscript bounced back and forth between editors and proofreaders while an artist drew pencil drawings and another painted the cover. Finally, in June, one year after the initial request, the book was finished and sent to the printer. It is summary of the historical events suitable for ages fourteen and above. It is scheduled to be released in October and will be available through the 2025 anniversary year.  
This is the front cover

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