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Thursday, February 28, 2008

An Extra Day

I have often wondered why the extra day we have every four years is in February. By now, I think most of us in northern parts of the world are longing for spring. Some parts of the country have had a lot more snow than we've had this winter, but we have had plenty of gray, dreary days here. Last week I felt like I was half asleep and could not concentrate on anything.
This week we've had a few sunny days and it has done wonders to lift my spirits. One day I went out to burn the trash and heard flocks of Snow Geese overhead. That was a hopeful sign! But this morning it was 16, snow is in the forecast for tomorrow, and spring still seems a long way off.
Why should we stretch out winter any longer than necessary? Why can't we have that extra day at the end of June instead of in February?

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