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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grandpa Knows Best

Grandpa was a self-employed carpenter. Because much of his work was outdoors, he lived with an eye on the sky and learned to discern the signs of the weather. One of his weather-prediction sayings was, "Rain before 7, clear by 11."
I remembered that this morning when showers began before 7 a.m. I went ahead with doing laundry as usual but let it pile up in the basket, waiting for the sky to clear. I do have a nice dryer that works very well, but it costs money to run and does not produce the fragrance of fresh air I get from my solar-powered washline. As the hours went by and there was no sign of sufficient clearing, I began to wonder if there are exceptions to the rule.
When 11 passed with no change, I was tempted to throw a load in the dryer and be done with it. But I got side-tracked with some other things and before 12 the sun was shining. My laundry is now drying as it flaps on the line and my faith in Grandpa's weather forcasting is renewed. Some things just never change. (So am I still his "schnickelfritz?")

1 comment:

Miller scribe said...

Why is it people will spend extra money for a "green" dryer but they won't hang laundry outside? (Thought borrowed from Dorcas Smuckers' blog)
Obviously, "they" are not thrifty Mennonites.