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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bits and Pieces

This morning I did a double-take when I went back into the auditorium after Sunday School. The register up front reported that the amount of the offering was $153,000.00. It was a combined offering for Mennonite Air Missions and the Medical Aid Fund, but it far exceeded my expectations. I wondered who had emptied their savings account or sold a property to give that much. After church was over the secretary who had posted the amount went up and removed one of the zeros. That brought it down to a more believable $15,300.00. What a difference one zero can make!
This is the end of a four-day weekend and I've had enough of it. I'm ready to get back to normal. I'm beginning to wonder how I will manage retirement if a four-day weekend is all I can handle. I did put in a full day of housework on Friday but people were in and out of the house all day. I am used to shipping everybody off in the morning and having the place to myself. It's not that they were in my way on Friday, or that I didn't enjoy the Christmas dinner and socializing on Thursday, Saturday and today. It just feels like I'm not getting anything done with all the partying that's been happening the past week or so. I'm ready to wrap up this year and get on with the projects I have planned for the first month of 2009.

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