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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Family Time

Friends, fun, and food. That's how you spell a great family weekend at the cabin.

Kayla found a turtle in the woods.

Gerald brought his friend TO the woods. As far as I know they were in total agreement about which of them is Thing 1 and Thing 2. That's a good sign! :-)

Austin brought his go-kart and shared the fun with his cousins.

Everyone brought food. It was good and plenty! Our clan has outgrown the cabin so the food was set on the porch and served caffeteria style. Fortunately, the weather cooperated until the middle of Sunday lunch when a sudden downpour chased us all inside. The men carried the table inside the cabin and we finished the weekend in close fellowship.

Now that we are home again and all the vacation time is behind me, I'm ready to settle back into my comfortable rut at home and go on with some ordinary life.

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