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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daylight Saving Time

Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead last night or were you late for church this morning? I have often been glad that the change occurs on a Sunday. It is the easiest day of the week to get socked with the "jet lag" of losing an hour.
Daylight Saving Time was a practice that was implemented during World War I to reduce the amount of electric the country consumed. DST used to start the last Sunday in March and be in effect until the last Sunday in October. Since 2007 DST has begun the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November. That means we are on DST two-thirds of the year. I wonder if it's worth the hassle of changing clocks back to Standard Time for the remaining one-third of the year. 
Now matter how you slice it, there are still 24 hours in a day. But now that we are back on DST we will have light longer in the evening again and we tend to go to bed later as a result. I like long winter evenings to curl up with a blanket and a book. But I like warm air, green grass, and fresh air blowing through the windows even better. According to the current forecast, the next two weeks will be in the 60s and 70s. If that holds true, spring is arriving a little ahead of schedule and I'm all for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting your comments on DST. As you are of course aware, our Old Order friends and relatives do not bother to get involved in this. They simply stay on standard time the whole year. Most of them refer to "slow time" and "fast time"(DST).

I have been caught "napping" and late to meetings with them over the years because of my forgetting this custom. They always manage to tease me a bit with--"Ja, ja, bist du spat?"

Gary Good