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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Life and Death

Last week was unusual in the life of our congregation. We had two ladies pass away a day apart on November 2 and 3. Then last week we had four days in a row of either a viewing or funeral. As a result, our revivals which had been scheduled for that week were canceled. Although both ladies had terminal illnesses and their deaths were expected, it is still a reality check when it happens and the person is gone forever.
Today I am remembering our son Steve who left us unexpectedly 24 years ago. He was 18 and would be 43 today. I can't quite imagine how he would look by now for he is forever 18 in my memory. Out of sight does not equal out of mind. Although he is no longer with us here, he will live in our hearts as long as we live. 
Solomon said, "love is as strong as death." I would say it is stronger than death for death cannot end love. First Corinthians 13 says love is greater than faith and hope because love is eternal and goes on after faith and hope are no longer needed. 
I have reached my "three score years and ten" so I know there are more years behind me than ahead of me. Because the future is hidden from us, we go on living as usual and the thought of our own death seems somewhere out there in the distant future. We are busy living and can easily ignore the fact that life is a terminal condition. Sooner or later, each of us will reach our last day on earth. The only thing that will matter then is what we have done with Jesus. If He is our Lord and Savior, we already have eternal life and death is merely a transition from earthly life into His presence forever. Death does not end life. And someday death itself will die.
"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1Cor. 15:26,57).
John Donne said it this way:
Death, be not proud
though some have called thee
mighty and dreadful,
for thou art not so.
For those whom thou thinkest
thou dost overthrow
die not, poor death,
nor yet canst thou kill me.
One short sleep past
we wake eternally
and death shall be no more. 
Death, thou shalt die.

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