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Monday, August 5, 2019


I don't have a TV but I've heard that summer is the season when they do reruns. So today I'm going to do a rerun.
Yesterday in Sunday school the lesson was on faith and believing God can do the impossible. At the end of the class we were asked to share personal experiences of God at work. The teacher said it didn't have to be something real big, God cares about the details of our lives too. Someone shared an experience, but we were running out of time and I didn't say anything. This morning as I was walking I thought of a time I could have shared and here is my rerun from a few years ago.

The Kleenex Sign

I've known for over a year that I was heading for a point when I would have to make a difficult decision. It was easy to ignore as long as it was in the dim future. But now it is looming larger on the horizon and I will have to deal with it in the next month or two. How can I know what is the best choice?
Gideon put out a fleece and asked God for a sign. Zacharias found himself suddenly unable to speak when he asked for a sign. I'm fresh out of sheepskins and am not interested in being speechless. So I packed up my questions and went for a long walk. Somehow walking seems to help straighten out the kinks in my thinking.
I was not far down the road when I realized I could use a Kleenex. All my pockets were empty. I kept on going, sniffing and trying to make the best of a bad situation. And then! Believe it or not, there was a clean white Kleenex caught on the weeds beside the road. I grabbed it and used it, and a few steps further on I found another one.
The Kleenex did not give me the answer to the choice I must make but it did give me some reassurance that I need not rely on my own resources to make the decision. God provided a fresh Kleenex along the way when I needed it and one to spare. Surely He will show me which way to take when I stand at the fork of the road and the choice must be made. Whether it's a big decision or something as small as a Kleenex, what a comfort and blessing to know God is with me and will not let me down!

God put a ram in the thickets for Abraham and a Kleenex in the weeds for me. He gives us exactly what we need when we need it. And I am happy to report that God did help me make the right decision. 

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