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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Change of Dreams

Have you accomplished everything you dreamed of doing? I haven't. The two biggest dreams of my life were to be a stay-at-home wife and mother and to be a writer. Those dreams became reality but there were other dreams that never happened and died as time passed. At one point I thought that when my children are all in school I will get a part time job in a bakery. When my youngest child went to school, I knew getting a part time job was a foolish idea. I had too much work at home to think of working anywhere else. The writing I was doing was already a part time job at home.
My daughter dreamed of being a nurse and enrolled in college to begin training. Then she met her future husband, changed course, and became a stay-at-home mother. My son dreamed of being a flight nurse on a helicopter. He went to college and became an RN but changed his mind after working in the ER for five years and is now in ICU which is a better fit for him. Another son once dreamed of being a doctor but instead is now in business management. Another dreamed of being a long haul truck driver. He did it but learned it wasn't all he dreamed, shifted gears and went into other things. Another dreamed of having a large family and got it, not the way he expected, but by adoption.
A change of dreams is not a sign of failure but of growth. Circumstances and interests change with the passing of time and lead us to new things. Sometimes we even surprise ourselves by doing things we never dreamed of doing. In time, we see that some dreams were unrealistic and not worth pursuing. Life is a journey and a change of dreams opens the door to new adventures. 

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