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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Behind The Scenes

I came across this poem this afternoon and it fits our situation at the moment. It encouraged me to hang in there and keep waiting.

Behind the Scenes

In the dungeon, Joseph languished--
Waiting, hoping every day
For deliverance, which he trusted
Shortly now would come his way.
Yet still days and weeks ebbed slowly
Into weary months, then years.
Where was God Jehovah's promise?
Was He mindful of his tears?

Then one night--as any other.
And as Joseph slept--the same,
Visions that would change the future
To a startled Pharaoh came.
Only dreams--but quick as lightening,
Things began to change about;
Sovereign plans, now ripe, were hastened,
And God's servant was brought out. . .

Out of straits that seemed unyielding,
Out of what seemed endless fate;
And his trials had but served him
To prepare for service great:
From a sufferer to a saviour,
From a prison to a throne--
For behind the scenes, though silent,
God was working for His own.

Do your pleas seem all unheeded?
Does your case seem "put on hold"?
And the answer sorely yearned for
Heaven seemeth to withhold?
Through the long,unbroken silence--
Though you cannot trace His means--
Rest assured, while you are waiting,
God's at work behind the scenes!
Rachel Kuepfer

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