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Friday, January 10, 2020

New Stage of Life

 Life is a series of changes that usually are so small they are hardly noticeable. It's when we look back over a period of time that we see how much things have changed in a few years. 
Some people love change and trying new things. They change jobs, move to other places, or change churches. They thrive on new challenges. We are not that sort. Major changes are like jumping off a cliff and too risky. We find what we like and stick with it, but sometimes life forces us to make changes.This year is one of those times. 
In March it will be 47 years that Leroy has worked at Shank Door. It's time for him to retire but we knew it would not work for him to walk out one day and never go back. That would be too much of a big and sudden change.  So this year he shifted into semi-retirement and is working only three days per week. He's working in the middle of the week and has Mondays and Fridays off. Maybe a year of this schedule will help him ease into retirement slowly.
It's a change for me too. We started out as a household of two but that only lasted a year. Then the children started coming and the house was full and noisy. I felt like the hub of a wheel and the rest of the family were the spokes. I kept everything rolling while everybody else went around in all directions. Then the children started leaving and establishing their own homes. We have been back to a household of two now for eight and a half years. That was an adjustment, but I soon was used to being an empty nester. I was home alone all day and liked my quiet house. Now life is changing and I will be alone at home only three days per week.
At first this change scared me but now I'm looking forward to it. We will be able to spend more time and do more things together. It's nice to have an extra hand around when I need help with something. Retirement is not a ticket to sit on a chair and watch the world go by. We want to be productive as long as we have our health. I enjoyed every stage of life when I was in it and now we will enjoy this one too.

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