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Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day Musings

There is still a couple weeks until the official first day of fall, but today is Labor Day which marks the traditional end of summer. Summer ended nearly two weeks ago for some students and those who did not go back to school in August will go tomorrow.

This has been a summer like none we ever experienced with all the disruption and changes brought upon us by COVID. Most of the things we normally do each summer were canceled and fell off the calendar like a row of dominoes. In the spring when the whole thing started I thought surely we would be back to normal by Labor Day. It was not to be. Although we have resumed in-person church services and other things, some of the usual activities have been canceled in October. Other things we had hoped to do are not possible. Now we wonder if life will ever be the same.

This summer was especially cut short for me with surgery the end of May and the following six weeks slowly recuperating. It was the end of July until I felt I was back to normal. It was a time of blessing and also humbling to receive so much help from our children and church family. What do people do who don't have faith in God or the support of a church family? 

This was an exceptionally hot summer. I'm glad the heat waves are over but I'm not excited about the cold winter coming again. September and October are nice months so I'll enjoy them and try not to think about winter.

When fall arrives I usually have a list of things I want to do over winter. My list for this winter is rather short. I am wrapping up my latest book manuscript and don't have another one burning a hole in my computer.  I've had plenty of suggestions but nothing feels right. I will just write short stories until something appealing comes along. And if it doesn't, I'll find something else to do.

Instead of complaining about all we can't do, I am thankful for all I CAN do. I'm well aware that life could be much different if my kidney cancer had not been caught in the early stage and removed. I don't have to take chemo or anything and can go on my way. Yes, I still have health issues to deal with (as most people my age do) but they are not life threatening. I am blessed and grateful. This was a summer I will ever forget. 

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