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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

To Mask or Not to Mask

 The Coronavirus pandemic has unleashed not only illness and death across the country but sharp division as well. This week a District Judge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, invalidated key parts of Governor Wolf's pandemic restrictions, calling them unconstitutional and an overreach of power. This included his orders requiring people to stay at home, placing limits on gatherings, and shutting down thousands of businesses deemed “non-life-sustaining.” The Democratic Governor defended himself saying what he did was necessary to keep people safe. He blamed the Republicans for promoting conspiracy theories and spreading misinformation about the virus and the status of the Pennsylvania economy.
The division is not limited to politicians. Unfortunately, Christians have gotten caught up in conspiracy theories and misinformation posted on social media. One of the big issues is the wearing of masks. Some insist masks are useless and adamantly refuse to comply saying that is taking away their freedom and preparing us to accept communism. One church I know of lost a lot of members when their leaders said they should comply with the law. 
I realize some people have medical conditions (such as asthma) which make it difficult for them to breathe while wearing a mask. Exceptions have been made for that. What disturbs me is people who claim to be Christians but lie and say they have a medical condition simply because they do not want to wear a mask. 
I don't enjoy wearing a mask but the Bible says we are to obey those who have authority over us. It does not say we should obey the laws we like and ignore the ones we don't like. The only exception is when man's laws violate God's Word. Then "we ought to obey God rather than man." Wearing a mask does not violate God's Word. 
I wear a mask when I got out in public. Whether it helps or not is beside the point. People can see I am a Mennonite and refusing to comply with the law is a poor testimony. I wear a mask because I want to honor God in everything I do.

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