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Monday, June 10, 2024

Family Weekend

   Our family goes to a cabin the second weekend in June. For the past twelve years we have been going to a cabin on the Texter Mountain. This was our last year to go there because the cabin has been sold. The younger children were sad because it's the only place they ever knew. We have another cabin booked for next year but it won't have the big lawn this one has.
    We had perfect weather this weekend for all the outdoor activities. Gene built a campfire on Friday evening for us to make mountain pies for supper.

   Amy brought things for activities on Saturday afternoon. We made pine cone bird feeders

and looked through a microscope at tiny critters that live in moss and pond water.

The children provided some activities for themselves.

 Gerald grilled chicken for Saturday supper, which has become a tradition.

  Everybody liked the food and close fellowship at meal times.

   Sunday morning we all went to the baby dedication for our newest grandchild, Samuel Isaac Stauffer, at Green Terrace Mennonite Church.

The smallest fry seemed to enjoy his first cabin experience.

   We made a lot of memories at this cabin. The cabin will be different next year but it's the people, not the place, that makes family weekend a highlight of the year.

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