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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Off to School

    August 26 was the opening day of school for all but one of our younger grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The other school started August 27.

Grayson, grade 7

Nick, grade 6; William, grade 5; Emma, grade 4

Avery, grade 1

Colton, preschool

Abigail, preschool

   Our generations cross with the last two. Colton is a great-grandchild and Abigail is a grandchild. Avery is also a great-grandchild. Abigail was allowed to enter preschool this year because her fourth birthday is less than a month after the opening day. Everybody is smiling and looking happy to go to school. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Rough and Tumble

    Leroy's dad was on the committee for many years of the Rough & Tumble Old Thresherman's Reunion at Kinzers, PA. It is always held the middle of August and boasts of being the "Most Complete Steam and Gas Show in the East." There are steam traction engines, antique tractors, threshing machines, Hit & Miss gas engines, stationary balers, antique wagons, miniature steam trains, and more.
    Because Pop was heavily involved, his wife and children went with him. Rough & Tumble became a family tradition. One of the grandsons took his place on the board when he died in 2004 but the tradition of going to Rough & Tumble is carried on by his children, grandchildren, and now the great-grandchildren.
    Gerald took Abi last year and she couldn't get done looking at tractors. He took her again this year and she had a blast. As soon as they got there she headed for the train.

   Then it was on to see the tractors and other things.

One of the Stauffer tractors

Row of steam engines

Barrel train

Smaller train

Corn box

Ice cream turned by a tiny steam engine made by a Stauffer

Digging in the sawdust

It was an exhausting day for  a little girl.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Fruits of Our Labors

    On a hot humid day in August one can sense the ripeness of the year. The earth is producing an abundance of fruits and vegetables that beg to be preserved for the coming winter. The four big canning and freezing jobs in August are corn, tomatoes, peaches, and applesauce. 
   Years ago, when I was feeding a family of six children, I canned fruit in two-quart jars and did 100 quarts each of peaches and applesauce. I don't remember how many dozen ears of corn we did but we needed six cups of corn for one meal. We all pitched in to husk a huge pile of corn. Now, I put only one cup of corn in a pack. Peaches and applesauce are in one-quart jars and that is enough for at least three meals. Green beans are in pint jars, pickles and relishes in half-pint jars. 
    I only did eight dozen ears of corn this year. A grandson came one day in July and helped us get it in the freezer. It was such a small pile I didn't think to take pictures that day.
   Today my supplies of the big four are complete and stored away for another winter, thanks to a daughter-in-law, Velma, who volunteered to help. Yesterday she came to help can peaches for another daughter-in-law, Kelly, who has two small children. I had done my own peaches earlier so these were all for Kelly.

Sam is six-months-old

   Today Velma brought the green beans and tomato products she canned for me at her house and helped can applesauce for both of us. Bless her heart!

Everybody helped, even Grandpa

Abi stirred the red hot cinnamon candy into some of the applesauce to make her daddy's favorite flavor.

   When we were finished we had thirty quarts of applesauce, nine quarts for me and nineteen for Kelly. I had also canned two pints and six half-pints of sweet pickles before they came to start on the applesauce. Before we are a full week into the month, the August rush is over for 2024. 
   I am grateful for the help with canning. It would have been a lot of work for me to do everything by myself. Thanks also to the people who had extra green beans and pickles in their gardens they were happy to share. We are blessed!