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Monday, August 19, 2024

Rough and Tumble

    Leroy's dad was on the committee for many years of the Rough & Tumble Old Thresherman's Reunion at Kinzers, PA. It is always held the middle of August and boasts of being the "Most Complete Steam and Gas Show in the East." There are steam traction engines, antique tractors, threshing machines, Hit & Miss gas engines, stationary balers, antique wagons, miniature steam trains, and more.
    Because Pop was heavily involved, his wife and children went with him. Rough & Tumble became a family tradition. One of the grandsons took his place on the board when he died in 2004 but the tradition of going to Rough & Tumble is carried on by his children, grandchildren, and now the great-grandchildren.
    Gerald took Abi last year and she couldn't get done looking at tractors. He took her again this year and she had a blast. As soon as they got there she headed for the train.

   Then it was on to see the tractors and other things.

One of the Stauffer tractors

Row of steam engines

Barrel train

Smaller train

Corn box

Ice cream turned by a tiny steam engine made by a Stauffer

Digging in the sawdust

It was an exhausting day for  a little girl.


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