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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Off to School

    August 26 was the opening day of school for all but one of our younger grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The other school started August 27.

Grayson, grade 7

Nick, grade 6; William, grade 5; Emma, grade 4

Avery, grade 1

Colton, preschool

Abigail, preschool

   Our generations cross with the last two. Colton is a great-grandchild and Abigail is a grandchild. Avery is also a great-grandchild. Abigail was allowed to enter preschool this year because her fourth birthday is less than a month after the opening day. Everybody is smiling and looking happy to go to school. 


Anonymous said...

mrs stauffer, have you or would you post pictures of your family? im not sure at times which son? daughter in law? im seeing in your blog. who is married to whom? i so enjoy reading your blog. along with starting the day with God's Word, i check out your blog online. also,, a biblically based site i at times use as a reference with Bible study. thank you in HIM, suzanne

Anonymous said...

p.s. i use to purchase many of your books at Good's store in quarryville,PA when i lived in MD. now that im in south carolina, i depend on online purchase for the books.. however, is there one website in particular that carries ALL of your books? i have searched, and not all of your books are mentioned. Rod and Staff publishing use to carry them. difficulty locating that website. thank you. suzanne

Scribbler said...

See my blog post from July 13, 2022, for the latest family pictures. Since then Gerald and Kelly had a son (Jan 2024) and Cheryl had an additional grandson (2023).
A few of my books are out of print. Most of them can be found at Use my name for a search and it should bring up the list. One is still available at and another at CAM Books will be releasing a new one in October.