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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Writer's Conference

I went to Harrisonburg, VA on Thursday for a Writer's Conference which was held on Friday and Saturday. I've been there many times in the last 30-plus years I've been writing but missed it the last two years. I had a good time renewing friendships with other writers as well as Ralph & Evelyn Landes who provided bed and breakfast.
Writer's Conference is geared more to beginning writers, but it is always stimulating to discuss ideas and projects with other writers. One of the workshop leaders said, "You are not a failure as long as you keep trying." I needed to hear that, as I am rather discouraged with the project I tackled this winter. I took along the results of my winter's labor and gave it to the chairman of the Book Committee. If it is not worth anything, I have spent enough time on it. If they think I should go on, I will plug away.
The most disappointing thing about the trip was being within sight of the Rockingham County courthouse but not able to go there to look for some missing papers from 1810. The person who solves the physics problem that prevents people from being two places at once will be the world's richest man.

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