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Monday, July 12, 2010

New England Fans

We're having company for supper tonight. Yes, I know it's Monday. That's not the standard day to have company but this is not standard company either. Our guests will be a couple from Maine and one from Vermont--a brother and sister and their spouses.
The lady from Vermont bought some of my books when she was in Lancaster County on an earlier trip. Her brother managed to find me for her via the Internet. Now the four of them are in Lancaster County again and want to meet me during their visit. I invited them for supper and tonight seemed the best fit.
This kind of thing has happened before. I've had company from several states and met some interesting people through my books. I usually cook a PA Dutch supper for these visitors and will do so again. We'll have chicken pot pie, shoofly pie, and other traditional PA Dutch foods.
It is interesting to learn where some of my books have gone and meet some of the people whose lives have been touched by them.
I have some reservations about this group, however. They have been way too gushy about meeting me. I tried to tell them I am not a celebrity and they are welcome to come as friends but I'm afraid the message didn't get through. If there is anything I hate it is being fussed over because of my hobby. I write for the joy of it, not for fame or attention.
I also think they have some misconceptions about the idyllic life of Mennonites and Amish. They may be surprised to find how much our house is furnished like theirs, except for the absence of the TV and other electronic gadgets. From what they have said, they may ask a lot of questions. I'm not sure what I'm in for but pray I can be a gracious hostess and the right words will be put in my mouth when I need them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! By now your interesting evening is probably over - I can't wait to hear about it. I am sure that they were just trying to show how they liked and appreciated your books. :)