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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks


As we pause to look back at the past year, I have many things to thank God for. To name just a few:

  • The leg that caused a problem last year is 95% improved. This summer I was able to resume my two-mile daily walks. 
  • My husband is 70 years old, in good health, and not ready to retire.
  • I have climbed the hill of raising a family and now have time to enjoy my twin hobbies of history and writing.
Many years ago I felt called to serve in some kind of mission work. I distinctly remember the moment I told the Lord I am willing to be used wherever He chooses. I had no idea what that might be or where it might take me. I went on, just doing the next thing, and the one after that. I was never called to go anywhere else so I just kept on with what I was doing. Eventually, as I looked back, I saw that God did not need to send me somewhere else to do mission work. I was doing it from my house in my "spare" time without being aware of it.
This morning I received a request for another of my short stories to be printed in the magazine published by Christian Aid Ministries. About 150,000 copies will be distributed in the Romanian, Polish, Russian, and English languages. They also requested permission to use some of my articles in two other countries which are basically closed countries.
I am humbled to think that from the back room of my house I can reach around the world to people I will never meet. It isn't much, but maybe it will help one person turn to God.  I am grateful for the opportunity to be involved in promoting God's work in this way. And on top of that, writing stories is FUN! I am abundantly blessed.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Your comments give hope to another young mom who scratches out words.