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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Seasons of Life

We had our first hard freeze this morning and growing season 2014 is over. We really can't complain because we had an extra month of grace this year. October was generally warm and we were actually able to eat lunch at a picnic table in warm 79 degree sunshine one of the last days of the month. But the laws of nature are still in control and we can do nothing to prevent winter from coming. 
I don't go sledding and skating anymore so I don't enjoy winter as much as I once did. Still, I am glad I live in a place where we have four distinct seasons. Winter is a time for me to hole up in the house and get some things done that I don't have time for in the other three seasons. It's the best time of the year for writing, scrapbooking, quilting, and crocheting. I'm ready to shift gears and get started on my winter projects list in another week or two. 
Here is one photo from my 2014 file for each season of this year:

Winter (don't need another one like it!)




"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Genesis 8:22
That's a promise that has never failed and never shall. 

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