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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Groundhog Day

This part of the country is not the groundhog capital of the nation, but the rodent is honored on his day here just as "seriously" as in other more well-known parts of the state. This article on the local groundhog appeared in our newspaper today.

Although the legend is rooted in German superstition and no one really takes it seriously anymore, it is a way to breathe a little life into winter-weary souls and remind us that winter will not last forever. Even if spring does not come early, winter will eventually give way to spring in a few more weeks.
Maybe that's why Leroy latched onto Groundhog Day and never lets it pass without some witty comment about what he's going to give me for Groundhog Day this year. It is all empty threats. He has never actually brought me flowers or anything for Groundhog Day. But sometimes when he has given me a large combination gift for my birthday and Christmas (both in December) he will add that it is also for Valentines Day, Mother's Day, Fourth of July, Groundhog Day, and everything until the next December. About this time of year we can all use a little humor to help us over the hump.
I am ready for spring weather, but when I look at the list of things I had hoped to accomplish during the winter months I know I need six more weeks of winter.

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