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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hoe, hoe, hoe

My garden is weed-free at last! With a smaller garden, I thought we would be able to keep it in tip-top shape this year. Constant rains and rheumatoid arthritis worked against me. The rains made it impossible to get rid of the weeds, which grew all the faster with so much moisture. The first planting of green beans and corn did not come up and had to be replanted---between showers. Last evening we weeded the three rows of corn and this morning I finished hoeing. It has taken until after July 4 to get the garden looking the way I wanted it to look all summer. Showers are in the forecast again for this afternoon, but that's fine. The garden is clean at last and ready for the natural irrigation. (Potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and cabbage on the left, corn and beans on the right.)
As I was hoeing, I thought how impossible it would have been for me to do this a month ago. I have an appointment with the rheumatologist on Thursday. If I tell Dr. Walker what I have been doing the last couple weeks I think she'll tell me I don't need the steroids anymore and take them away from me before I get dangerous.

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