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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day News

Mother's Day was great. Gene invited us for dinner and cooked the meal himself. I thought maybe he'd grill something but he made lasanga and salad. It was very good. And I didn't have to cook--or do dishes afterward. Gene and Leroy did those.
The most exciting thing this Mother's Day was the announcement Gene made just before we ate. He and Amy are expecting their first child in December. It was not a total shock as we knew they were ready to start a family but they saved the announcement for Mother's Day.
Grandchildren do not come to us as easily as they do to some people. We have six adopted and three natural grandchildren. The youngest of those is six, so we are excited about having a baby in the family again. One thing I have learned, being an expectant grandmother sure is a lot more comfortable than being the mother. If this one comes a bit early it could even be on my birthday.

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