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Monday, November 3, 2008

Relative Terms

I came to the conclusion some time ago that "conservative" is a relative term. What you consider to be conservative is determined by your point of reference. After something I heard on Saturday, I have added another word to the list of relative terms. That word is "local."
We were eating a bit of lunch on Saturday at the Open House in Christian Aid Ministries warehouse when I overheard an interesting conversation between two people seated behind us.
He: Where are you from?
She: Hinkletown.
He: Oh, then you're local.
She: Yes, I could have walked here.
He: Well I'm a little further. I'm from close to Martindale.
How far is Hinkletown from Martindale? Less than three miles.
What is local? That depends on your point of reference. I'm sure those who had come to the Open House from other states (or Canada) would have said both of them were locals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think all adjectives are relative. That is, however, with the exception of numbers. Even some nouns can be relative as well (e.g. "home").