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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cherry Pie Filling

I just finished canning 18 qts. of cherry pie filling. These cherries were on the tree this morning and now they are preserved for the winter.

Is it really cheaper to can your own pie filling? I'm not sure it is, but this is more about taste than cost. There is no cannery in the whole United States that can match the taste of home canned cherry pie filling. Here is the recipe for the best of the best cherry pie filling.

3 qts. sour cherries, 1 qt. water, 1 pkg. cherry Kool-Aid, 3 c. sugar

2 c. water, 1 heaping cup of clear jel, one 3-oz pkg. cherry Jell-o

Pit the cherries. Combine 1 qt. water, Kool-Aid, and sugar; bring to a boil. Dissolve clear jel in 2 cups water and add to the boiling mixture. When thick and clear, add Jell-o. Stir until Jell-o is dissolved. Pour over cherries and stir to mix. Put in jars. Cold pack 10-15 minutes.

The Kool-Aid and Jell-o add flavor and color to the cherries. If you try this recipe you'll never go back to your old one!

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