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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


A year or two ago the Pike church at Hinkletown put new siding on their building and installed new windows. I was fortunate enough to latch onto one of the old windows. It sat in my basement ever since while I batted around ideas what to do with it. Suddenly, inspiration struck!

I went through the things I got at Aunt Esther's sale in February and picked out an assortment of old postcards, calling cards, etc. which I mounted on a piece of poster board and then framed with the old window.

Some of the items are the calling cards of Leroy's grandpa, Amos Wenger, and his brothers, Ammon and Noah. There are postcards sent to Amos Wenger and his second wife, Lydia Good, in 1908-1914 and also some scarce postcards of the Pike Church and the center of Ephrata taken in the early 1960s. But I think the prize piece is a little valentine Grandpa Wenger got from his first wife, Amanda Shaub. The tiny card (center bottom) was in a little envelope on which she had written, "From your true love, Amanda." She died in 1933 from complications of childbirth. After that, the household things were sold and the children scattered in various homes. Not many of Amanda's things survived, so this little valentine with her own handwriting is a real treasure. And the window from their church is an appropriate frame for them.

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